The Benefits of Dreamwork – by Helena Daly

by Aug 6, 2021Article, Dreams, Helena Daly, How to, Spirituality0 comments


The Benefits of Dreamwork

There are so many incredible benefits to working with dreams, but unfortunately dreamwork is not for everyone or the faint-hearted. Why? Because it is work and there are a good many people neither able nor wanting to do the work—to engage with what really is a profound form of inner work. So unless dreams are valued to begin with, these luminosities of the night cannot exert their natural power and influence.

You see dreams bring forth the spirit of truth and with revelations of truth comes resistance—the ego’s best defense in town, one that kills and deadens inner life and vitality. Dreams’ shadowy beauty shines revelatory light on the reality of what is, providing insight into life situations, circumstances and relationships exactly as they are, and not what our minds would have us think! So working with these luminosities of the night requires an ability to be able to honestly look at what dreams bring forth.

When we say yes to working with the gifts dreams offer, we work in service of health, healing and wholeness, and for our higher good. When we accept dreams offerings, we begin to unwrap uniquely tailored soul letters—for dreams that open from within the silent dimensional depths of the cosmic night, are hidden subtle doors leading into “the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul” (C.G Jung).

In working with dreams then, the art and practice of dream healing can be entered into. Along the way, we learn how to turn darker base material into gold—inner transformational processes effecting energetic changes at a cellular level in our bodies that in turn affect outer interactions with others and in the world about us. When we enter the soulful world of dreamwork, we enter into spiritual alchemy. And in doing so, come to participate more fully in our own spiritual growth and evolution—an individual process intrinsically linked to the greater collective unfolding of cosmic, planetary consciousness.

Here is a short summary of the benefits of dreamwork:

  • – Learning different methods and techniques to enhance and develop dream recall practices.
  • – Becoming familiar with many different ways to approach and work with dreams (Jungian, indigenous, somatic, creative).
  • – Becoming knowledgeable about different types of dreams (personal, transpersonal, archetypal, lucid, visitation, precognitive, health-related diagnostic dreams, telepathic)
  • – Practicing dreamwork ensures a slowing down and living more from within the body through learning how to pay attention to subtle forms of psychosomatic intelligence that come through dreaming and waking realms.
  • – Working with the subtle language of heart and soul increases intuitive and instinctual awareness.
  • – By bringing to light dream content, “psychic” (psychological and emotional processes) can be explored. Through this process, emotionally-based conflicts and traumatic underpinnings can dissolve and heal. By working carefully with what the “unconscious mind” brings forth — personal repressed contents present in the upper layers of dreams, and dynamic, transpersonal/archetypal healing energy within deeper layers of psyche, can be accessed, transmitted and experienced. This is a transformative, healing process.
  • – With this, comes the ability to identify, explore and express subtle bodily symptoms experienced through the dreaming body (important unconscious messages) that help uncover and heal emotional complexes held in the body.
  • – Consciously working with dream material is a powerful form of shadow-work, wherein darker aspects of the psyche are bought into the light and integrated. This helps diminish certain repetitive unconscious behaviors and “acting out.” Shadow-work is a crucial part of individual and collective healing.
  • – Deepens an understanding of the power of synchronicities (inner-outer alignment).
  • – A richly empowering process of getting to know oneself and of learning how to trust the innate wisdom, healing powers and higher intelligence at work in the depths of soul—ensuring that we can come to know and experience that we are our own healers.
  • – Consciously working with dreams connects us with the broader cycles in nature, within and without. Working in this capacity ensures the opening and flowering of creative potentialities and inner receptive faculties and modes of awareness—spiritual senses and sensibilities operating along the continuum between invisible and visible life.
  • – An infinitely more lucid way of living in the world.


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