Tackles, tipping and Tips: Douglas Wilde’s Ultimate Guide
When Monks Meet Rugby: A short interview First of all, it is great to be able to ask you some questions about your book! However, before we dive in too deeply, I really appreciate you allowing us to share some of these fascinating pictures. Could you give us some...
Irreconcilable Differences – by Dr Bob Rich
by Grandfailure eds --= Irreconcilable Differences Sometimes, differences cannot be reconciled. You have your opinion of what happened and why, and you honestly believe it. I have my opinion of what happened and why, and I honestly believe it, and our opinions are...
The Kingdom of Heaven is within you – by Janice Dolley
“The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You.” What might this mean for us Today? At this time of momentous change for all on Planet Earth there is possibly a deeper meaning in these words than how we have understood them for so long. If evolutionary science is now...
Instant Reality Building – by Dr Bob Rich
by Jorm S--= Instant Reality Building Suppose you’re writing about your hometown, with characters who are just like the people who live there and doing the kinds of things they do. Reality building is STILL needed. In creative writing, there are actors, a setting, a...
The Art of Dream Interpretation – by Dr Helena Daly
By PhotobankThe Art of Dream Interpretation by Dr Helena Daly Coming to understand dreams and symbolic expression requires an approach that the western mind is simply not used to. Here in the west, people want to know what something means as soon as possible. Now!...
Quoting thoughts – by Bob Rich
by Jorm S Quoting Thoughts A principle of good writing is to make reading as easy as possible. We want the reader to be immersed in the content, not struggling with the medium. Remember Angela’s Ashes? In every way but one, it was truly excellent and deserved its...
Approaches to Dreams – by Dr Helena Daly
By GrandfailureWorking with Dreams by Dr Helena Daly The dreaming world is as vast and deep as the ocean and is as open as space itself. Upon awakening, some dreams rise to the surface like the ocean’s froth and are washed away with the blink of any eye—while other...
Silence Speaks – by Dr Helena Daly
Silence Speaks By Dr Helena Daly If you were to ask me where I feel most at home, I would say, without hesitation, in silence. I do not know what I would do or how I would be without it. I need silence and solitude as surely as I need to breathe. It nurtures my soul...
Dreams, my very own inner guru – by Helena Daly
Dreams, my very own inner guru By Dr Helena Daly Dreams are gifts, freely given, open invitations to be with the language of heart and soul, to be with mystery, to tend to it, to let it unfold. I am so passionate about what dreams have to say and offer that I could...
Dana Sardano interview – by Sleepy Lion Publishing
Empowerment, Creativity and your story Ten recommandments for Personal empowerment by dana sardano First of all, thank you so much for taking the time to do this. I always enjoy the opportunity to put forward my own questions, having read and edited this manuscript...