by Sleepylion | May 3, 2022 | Interview, Michael Amos, Spirituality, Writing
Dana Sardano interview – by Sleepy Lion Publishing Empowerment, Creativity and your story Ten recommandments for Personal empowerment by dana sardano First of all, thank you so much for taking the time to do this. I always enjoy the opportunity to put forward...
by Sleepylion | Mar 24, 2022 | Article, Dreams, Helena Daly, How to, Spirituality, Writing
Dreams, Dying and Death – by Helena Daly Art by Michael Amos DREAMS, VISIONS AND DEATH-BED ENCOUNTERS By Dr Helena Daly When caring for the dying, end-of-life phenomenal experiences such as transpersonal dreams, waking visions and death-bed encounters often...
by Sleepylion | Dec 12, 2021 | Bob Rich, Interview, Michael Amos, Spirituality, Writing
Dr. Bob Rich interview – by Sleepy Lion Publishing by Kateryna Kovarzh Reincarnation, the divine mother and aboriginal history First of all, I would like to offer you a huge thank you for the opportunity to work on this project! I have greatly enjoyed...
by Sleepylion | Nov 13, 2021 | Article, Dreams, Helena Daly, How to, Spirituality
Synchronicity – by Helena Daly Art by Benjavisa Ruangvaree Synchronicity The Wisdom of Soul Synchronicities are fascinating phenomena that people usually love to talk about. But what are these mysterious events exactly and how are we to understand them? To...
by Sleepylion | Aug 6, 2021 | Article, Dreams, Helena Daly, How to, Spirituality
The Benefits of Dreamwork – by Helena Daly The Benefits of Dreamwork There are so many incredible benefits to working with dreams, but unfortunately dreamwork is not for everyone or the faint-hearted. Why? Because it is work and there are a good many people...
by Sleepylion | Jul 1, 2021 | Article, Dreams, Helena Daly, How to, Spirituality
The Art of Dream Recall – by Helena Daly The Art of Dream Recall Did you know that dreaming is universal but dream recall is not? Some people are surprised to learn this, but it is quite true that not everyone recalls their dreams. The good news is that you...