Bob Rich
Books – Blog – Spirituality – Psychology – Historical Fiction
Bob Rich is an Australian storyteller, with 18 published books in a variety of genres including both fiction and nonfiction. Five of his books, and over 40 short stories, have won awards.
He has retired 5 times so far, from 5 different occupations, but is still going strong as a Professional Grandfather. Any human born since 1993 qualifies as his grandchild; anyone born after 1987 as his child. Everything he does, including his writing, is working toward a survivable future for them, and one worth surviving in. This means environmental and humanitarian activism: an attempt to change a worldwide culture of greed, hate and fear into one of compassion and cooperation. He carries on much of this work at his popular blog, Bobbing Around,
He has been writing since 1980, with a byline column in “Earth Garden” magazine and several other periodicals. His first book, “The Earth Garden Building Book: Design and build your own house,” was published in 1986, and went through 4 editions, the last going out of print in 2018. He has had four other self-help books published, the latest being “From Depression to Contentment: A self-therapy guide.” A biography, “Aniko: The stranger who loved me” has won 4 awards.
- Latest interview on A Blue Million Books Blog
- Our interview with Dr Bob Rich, author of Maraglindi.
Furthermore, if you would like to hear more about Bob’s recent interviews and appearances:
Mary Tod’s blog is one of the most important centres of historical fiction. She has asked me deep and thought-provoking questions about Maraglindi, which has provoked me into giving hopefully thought-provoking and even more hopefully, entertaining answers.
Dr. Nina Savelle-Rocklin is an eating disorders specialist — and inspiration. She says, food and weight issues are not a problem but a symptom, and she is right. On 11 am PST 17th November, she grilled me on toast on her popular show on LA Radio. That was 6 am Thursday 18th my time, so needed to splurge on chocolates and coffee so I wouldn’t fall asleep during the show.
I’ve had a wonderful interview with Professor Claudia Monacelli. Our chat went live on 11 November. Here it is on Spotify.
Kevy Michaels has invited a guest post from me. After looking around his blog, I sent him a 2800 word essay with the title, Are we God’s puppets?
Writers Exchange e-publishing is the publisher of Hit and Run. They have interviewed me, and have generously included material relevant to many of my other books as well. Appropriately, the interview is labelled “Bob Rich, Author and Environmental Warrior.”
Blog posts and articles
How to Write a review – Blog post
The importance of a beta reader – Blog post
Point of View – Why does it matter? – Blog post